Revolutionizing Higher Education: Exploring the Transformative Power of ChatGPT – Panel Discussion

Uptown Campus

Tuesday, March 7th | 1:30PM - 3PM

Like all new major technological changes, ChatGPT and other large language models will create changes in the classroom, in the curriculum, in the way we prepare our students for professional careers.
Join us for an upcoming panel discussion as we explore the impact of this groundbreaking technology on teaching and learning. Our panelists will discuss how ChatGPT can transform the way we deliver course content and engage with students as well as its potential for personalized learning and assessment. We will also examine the ethical implications on this technology, such as academic integrity, data security and privacy concerns.

Panel Members: 
- Robin Forman, Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Professor of Mathematics, SSE 
- Aron Culotta, Associate Professor of Computer Science, SSE 
- Mollye Demosthenidy, Associate Dean and Clinical Associate Professor, SPHTM 
- J. Celeste Lay, Interim Dean of NTC, Professor of Political Science, SLA

This event is taking place in-person on the Tulane University, Uptown Campus. 

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